A History of Anti-Dam Resistance in Shōdoshima, as Told by Elder Activists
A downstream view of the Uchinomi Dam.On 21 September 2022, CEMiPoS Executive Director Hiroshi Maruyama and Researcher Olivia Doyle
Józef Piłsudski Museum Supports Polish Artists in Hokkaido
Jadwiga Rodowicz-Czechowska, Deputy Director of the Józef Piłsudski Museum in Sulejówek, expresses support for the collaborative work of Amareya Theater
ポーランド人の現代アートと日本の先住民族アイヌの伝統アートとがジャンルを超えて融合した国際アートの継続に、温かいご支援をお願い申し上げます。 丸山 博 室蘭工業大学名誉教授、アマレヤ劇団名誉会員、メノコモシモシ顧問 先川信一郎 高知工科大学客員教授、メディアアンビシャス会員 安藤 厚 北海道大学名誉教授、北海道ポーランド文化協会会長 小泉雅弘 さっぽろ自由学校「遊」事務局長 小坂洋右 北星学園大学非常勤講師、
Opportunity to Support Polish Artists Working in Hokkaido
In order to open a new horizon in art, we invite you to make a one-time donation to Polish Amareya
CEMiPoS Begins Collaboration with Józef Piłsudski Museum
Header image: The first meeting between collaborators of Polish-Ainu Forefathers' Eve. Participants (Clockwise): Hiroshi Maruyama, Jadwiga Rodovicz, Kyoko Kagaya, Szymon
Immigration and Refugee Policy: Ukrainian “Evacuees” in Japan
Immigration in Japan is typically framed in economic terms and the word 移民(immigrant) is carefully avoided in public debates.
CEMiPoS Attends Consultative Meeting for UNGA Report on Indigenous Rights to Belief
On Monday, June 27, 2022, CEMiPoS researcher Olivia Doyle attended the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Consultation for East Asia
Decolonizing Futures Published
I am happy to inform you of the publication of our book: Decolonizing Futures: Collaborations for New Indigenous Horizons. Four
CEMiPoS Shares Critique of Upopoy in FOCUS
CEMiPoS was invited to write for March 2022 volume of FOCUS, a newsletter by the Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center
Survey on the Ainu Policy Promotion Act
The Citizens' Alliance For The Examination of Ainu Policy conducted a survey of about 40 Ainu from Ainu Associations across